1. Who is Swaggapuss and how did you come up with the name?
Swaggapuss was originally a joke one of my bandmates Mikey Hendrix and his wife came up with about four years ago. He was supposed to be a cartoon that's too cool for everything he does. His name kind of mocks pop culture because at the time the slang "swag" was popular.
2. What is the concept of Swaggapuss Gets a Job?
The concept of the show is Swaggapuss getting kicked out of his mom's for being a lazy adult. He moves in with his cousin R.L. (me) with one rule: that he has to get a job. Faced with the real world, he constantly messes up his chances of keeping a job. His best friend Chips plays a heavy influence on Swaggapuss as he is more concerned with being cool to his friends than anything else.
3. What do you find the most fun--and what do you find the most challenging--of creating your show?
The most fun is coming up with the concepts and jokes. Also, it's fun seeing people's reactions when we are shooting. The most challenging is the actual behind-the-scenes work of shooting, editing, writing, and acting. Being currently independent, we are all playing multiple roles which makes it more demanding and time-consuming to get the job done.
4. As an independent artist, how do you put together the funding for your projects?
Right now, the funding comes out of my pocket. We have a Kickstarter that is currently running, and we will soon start a merchandise campaign. Once he is a household name, it will pay for itself.
5. What can viewers who follow your YouTube channel expect to see in the months ahead?
We have five more main episodes left to release from the pilot season and a blooper episode to top it off. We will be in many locations and and attending events where we could be shooting if you ever see us.
Thanks, R.L.!
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