
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Introducing the Blog of Ann C Logue

Annie Logue is a longtime Chicago resident who writes about a variety of topics but with a particular emphasis on money. Not only is she a writer, but she is also a consulting analyst who lectures on finance at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She's written four books in the popular "Dummies" series of nonfiction/how-to books, most recently Emerging Markets for Dummies.

Annie's blog covers a lot of different subjects and is a well-written and thoughtful series of posts. She describes the blog as "[exploring] money and culture all over the world." There are posts on frugality and ways to save money, socially responsible investing and business practices, and the growth of financial markets on an international level.

The blog is timely and relevant--for example, a recent series of posts looks at the Hobby Lobby case, and another post addresses "the quasi-public nature" of pro sports (think about cities paying for stadiums, etc!). I'm definitely a layperson when it comes to financial topics, but I found the writing to be accessible and clear--no difficult jargon, etc. Really the blog is a nice starting point for readers who want to read an informed perspective on a wide range of issues relating to finance.

I think the best thing about Annie's blog is that it's a good example of how a blog really can catch the reader's interest and make you want to read more of the author's work. I know that after reading her blog, I feel inspired to check out Annie's books as a very readable and useful introduction to some financial topics I'd like to learn more about.

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