
Monday, April 6, 2015

Meet Brenda Moore, Wife Coach and Author of WifeCheck

Brenda Moore is a wife coach, who works with her clients according to biblical truths and sound advice. She has written a book called WifeCheck which developed out of a group she started on Facebook. Brenda's book is on sale now and be purchased through her website at

Find Brenda on Instagram and Facebook.

1. Could you tell us how you would define your role as a wife coach?

I assist wives and single women in finding purpose and clarity in their marriages or while they are in waiting. My book is for single women, too. There in a section in the book titled "wives in preparation." I also give my readers tools to overcome hurt, betrayal, and infidelity. We explore the hidden areas in the heart.

2. When it comes to facing the ups and downs in a marriage (and in life!), what do you find helpful in terms of shifting perspective?

I find it helpful when we accept responsibility to how we've contributed to the issues in our lives. The first step is recognizing how your behavior and actions contributed to the problems you're experiencing. We take a look inside the heart to see what motivates a person and then address those hidden areas to start the healing process.

3. What inspired you to write your book, WifeCheck?

My marriage and journey inspired me. The first years of my marriage were tumultuous because I was a broken woman. I started the WifeCheck group on Facebook to help other women and to help support wives who are in need of answers on how to be successful in marriage.

4. Did you always have a strong spiritual practice in your own life, or was this something that grew over time?

I started to seek God after I married, and it was only then that I was able to see myself more clearly and to recognize how my behavior contributed to the issues. My faith grew stronger because I needed more of God to be happy and have peace in my life.

5. What do you see as your overall goal in your work as an author and coach?

I want to see wives succeed and win in marriage, and to understand their roles and their purpose according to God. In the end I want to see them have a pure heart, a heart healed from all of the things that are hidden and that caused them to become a woman that is motivated by hurt and manipulation.

Thanks, Brenda!

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