Have you ever wanted to get your feelings out on paper, but journaling just wasn't enough? Are you a kinesthetic type of person who benefits from adding a physical aspect to a writing or meditative practice? With A Terrible Tearable Book, the author invites you to tear each page out as part of the process of reading/using the book. Some pages are meant to be torn out and torn up, as you work out the residual anger or negativity of a bad day. Other pages are meant to be pinned up on your fridge or wherever you like to keep encouraging notes.
Zen Thai is currently raising money for the publication of A Terrible Tearable Book through this Kickstarter campaign. He has written four other books and has a solid understanding of the publication process.
When you pledge at $24 or more, you're reserving a copy of the book for yourself. There are two versions of the book: one version includes profanity, and the other is a "clean" version. At higher pledge amounts, you can actually be included in the book and even have your own, customized terrible tearable page based on your personal pet peeves. If you pledge any amount to the Kickstarter campaign, Zen Thai will send you a sample page from the book--and he hopes you'll make and share a video of yourself tearing it from the book.
This is a very cool project both in terms of expanding the boundaries of a typical "book" and in terms of being fun and participatory. Really I think this is just the kind of thing that crowdfunding was made for, and I hope that Zen Thai reaches his $3000 goal. As of this writing, he's already one-sixth of the way there. Visit his Kickstarter page to learn more.
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